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MEET JENNIE!!! :) :)

1. When did you start CrossFit? How many times a week do you do it?

When Alpha started! had been doing battles since I joined the Arena in 2013. Wanted to do Cross Fit for ages so took it up when it was introduced at Alpha. Used to do 3-4 times a week. currently 1-2 (while pregnant)

2. What was your biggest fear before starting?

That I may not be strong enough or fast enough for the WOD's.

3. What is your favourite part about training? Achieving goals that you set yourself and the happy feeling after a sweet workout!

4. Biggest Struggle so far?

Getting back into lifting heavy/fitness after going away on tour for ages. can be like starting over again sometimes!

5. Biggest Achievement/challenge so far at Alpha?

Biggest achievement: Hitting 80 Kg Deadlift/ partaking in last years Winter games and not dying (haha) Biggest challenge: CrossFit while Pregnant!! (every week gets a little harder) 6. Most memorable moment at Alpha? Winter games last year. I did more than I thought I could. such a fun day and the support from everyone was awesome.

7. Burpees or Thrusters?

Burpees. Burpees. Burpees.

8. What advice would you give someone else about to start training or wanting to train/scare to start? Just give it a go. Show up. everyone is so supportive and its a great atmosphere. You can't go wrong with Gains and Fun!

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